12/31/08: 2008? What the hell happened there...?
The Goat.

...go back.

What I didn't plan on were so many rich collaborations and unexpected opportunities. I got my first article in Fangoria and the second one coming up. I co-authored a comic book and I'm two drafts into a screenplay with director Robert Sexton. Seneca Haynes and I are co-writing a new feature and there looks to be some action with Fried Squid this year. I'm developing a short with Travis Jones of Dropout Productions and three, count 'em, three short scripts to be LookSharp! productions in 2009. More possibilities keep popping up, all the time, and while some will go nowhere they all have real potential, and that is exhilirating.

I've made some New Year's resolutions, specific ones that I intend to keep. I'm going to start swimming. I'm going to floss every day. I'm going to stop referencing The Dark Knight. Most importantly, I'm going to update the website regularly. So in the upcoming weeks, watch for new pages and revamped old ones and an overall newly comprehensive web presence for LookSharp! You might ask... do I really believe I'll have the energy to update the site on top of everything else? My answer; absolutely.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to LookSharp! this year, thank you all for the ongoing support, and Happy New Year to everybody!

jack bennett 12/31/08

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